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We have made massage affordable for everyone simply because it is a NECESSITY – NOT A LUXURY. It is no different from needing regular exercise for a healthy life. Regular massage helps to Improve circulation & lymphatic flow, release tension in muscles, improve flexibility & range of movements and many more benefits

Per Sessions

Sports Massage - 30 Mins


Back, Neck & Shoulder - 30 Mins


Become a Member

Most of our massages will be based on “Swedish Massage” or “Deep Tissue Massage” or combination of these techniques. Our therapists adapt techniques and pressure levels within client’s comfort to release tensions in muscles and to achieve Wellbeing goals. Our therapists can identify the tense areas of the muscles and the necessary attention will be given to the local areas during each session to produce longer-term benefits of the regular massages.
What is the difference between “Swedish Massage” Vs “Deep Tissue Massage”

Back, Neck & Shoulder or Leg Massage

Focused on the Back, Neck and Shoulder or Leg, massage the areas using good carrier/ blend oil to release tension and help soothe tight, sore muscles, result in from wear and tear, repetitive movements, or incorrect posture. This massage applies pressure to muscles, in order to increase the blood flow resulting increased flow of oxygen and release toxins from stressed areas.

We do not recommend this treatment if any of the below apply:

How to book your session?

Everyone needs to complete “client intake form” prior to first visit or every 12 months

1 off session
  •  Buy the session on-line
  • Book your slot using the booking
  • Complete client intake form
    latest 24hr before your
New monthly subscription
  • Buy your subscription
  • Book your first session using
    booking link
  • Complete client intake form
    latest 24 hrs before your First
Current members with subscription
  • Book your weekly session
    using the booking link